Blitz |
How It WorksYou place your advert on the end of a e-mail that we send you. Once you have done that you send the e-mail to as many people as you can without spamming. The people that you have sent the e-mail to will do the same adding their advert under yours and so the e-mail progresses. Example;
If you send the e-mail to 5 people and the that five sends the e-mail to another 5 and the another 5 and so on it becomes a massive e-mail campaign where your advert is at the top for all to see. The Mathsyou+5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 5=15,625 In just 5 levels you achieve 15,625 adverts It would cost you over $200 to get that sort of a mailing list this is FREE. Your advert would not stop there it would continue for a very long time creating an enormous advertising campaign. This example is stopping at five but imagine if you sent this e-mail off to 20 people or even 100. you + 100 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 5 times 5= 312,500 That is if the people that participate in your scheme send off to five people they also could know 100 people. you + 100 time 100 times 100 times 100 times 100 times 100=10,000,000,000 With Just one advert. But don't worry about the maths to much, it's free so give it a go! The E-mail Blitz Is a B.J.E.N. Web Production for more infomation on the content or design of this site please contact webmaster@b.j.e.n.1.freeservers.com Thank you. The E-mail Blitz doesn't hold a garuantee for your success in this advertising campaign. Copyright© 1999 B.J.E.N. Web |